Shakespeare at Casi
After last year´s performance of Scenes from a Quarantine the English Drama Group was looking forward to putting on stage scenes from different Shakespearean plays and sonnets.
Four young ladies are sitting around a table talking about a "wonderful" man called Hamlet but their yearning doesn´t last long as it turns out that he already has an affair with a woman called Anne Hathaway. A perfect introduction into sonnets 18, 22 and 116 performed by Maria and Sophie, which revolve around themes like beauty and love. Felix and Lina reveal Richard III's plan to kill everyone around him to finally be king and another two scenes convincingly played by Felix and Hannah show Macbeth´s inner conflict whether to kill his king to put on the Scottish crown or not. And Felix did it a third time by vividly performing Hamlet´s To be or not to be and showing his inner conflict whether to kill himself or not. And what would Shakespeare be without the comedies with, e.g. Puck (Maria) meeting the Fairy (Hannah) in the woods in A Midsummer Night's Dream or Kilian as Jacques in As you like it illustrating forcefully as well as sensitively the different stages of life in the soliloquy All the world´s a stage. Last but not least Romeo (Maria) and Juliet (Rosita) discuss the question if it is the lark or the nightingale that announce the morning to make Romeo leave.
Thanks a lot to all the actors and actresses from grades 7 to 12. See you on the stage again next year!